Free range eggs from happy hens …

The hens live unrestricted and have a minimum of 10m2 per animal, more than double the standard of ecological livestock.
Parks and grasslands are always combined with fruit trees, banana trees or other crops.
The combination of animals and plants creates a natural, beneficial habitat for both.
The base of the hens nutrition is free access to grasses and fresh herbs every day within their plots. In addition, there are the remains of the harvest, weeding and cutting of the farm and the family allotments.
All plots have a potable water network to provide clean and pathogen free fresh water.
For a good social and natural life each family of chickens has its Cockerel ....
The chicks are raised in small groups and at two weeks of age, go in their mobile houses into the pastures.
Life in the pasture they like very much and they begin as children to become accustomed to the natural life ....
Although the most commonly used type of hens, - hybrids or "canelas" - are very well adapted to life in semi-freedom, we always introduce other more traditional and rustic breeds. In the photo are Pedresas a multi-use medium heavy race .....
Our aim is ​​bringing up our family of laying hens in a way that is as natural as possible and at the same time remain commercially viable.
In order to facilitate this we design habitats to sleep and others to lay eggs. This gives optimum conditions and ensures good hygiene of the hens and the eggs. The animals are never locked in,- they are always free to move .....
And finally the personal attention of "head rooster" also helps a lot ... (mutually) ...