Shop Opening Hours:
Monday to Saturday from 8-13 and from 16-19.
Note: The shop is available outside of these hours and also on Sundays and holidays, but generally is unattended. Most of the time we work on the farm but will be happy to greet you if you phone in advance to arrange.
takes care of organizational and general issues of the farm and the allotments. He speaks German, English & Spanish and will be happy to help you.... .
EMail: cbaumgartner100@hotmail.com
Tel: (0034) 616 802 861
Juan José
manages the on-farm shop & the vegetable cultivation. She is always there to make customers feel at home.
EMail: Gloriaunai@Hotmail.com
Tel: (0034) 615 320 354
GPS Coordnates: 28°23'21.0"N
28.389170 -16.572028
Finca Ecologica La Sabinita, Calle El Jardin 50, 38410 Los Realejos Tenerife